mathematical logic - definitie. Wat is mathematical logic
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Wat (wie) is mathematical logic - definitie

Mathematical logic         
Symbolic Logic; Symbolic logic; Mathematical Logic; Logic (mathematics); Logic (math); Logic (maths); Logic (symbolic); Mathematical logician; Logic modeling; Logic modelling; Formal Logic; History of mathematical logic; Subfields of mathematical logic; Formal logical systems; History of symbolic logic; Applications of mathematical logic; 20th century in mathematical logic
Mathematical logic is the study of formal logic within mathematics. Major subareas include model theory, proof theory, set theory, and recursion theory.
symbolic logic         
Symbolic Logic; Symbolic logic; Mathematical Logic; Logic (mathematics); Logic (math); Logic (maths); Logic (symbolic); Mathematical logician; Logic modeling; Logic modelling; Formal Logic; History of mathematical logic; Subfields of mathematical logic; Formal logical systems; History of symbolic logic; Applications of mathematical logic; 20th century in mathematical logic
¦ noun the use of symbols to denote propositions, terms, and relations in order to assist reasoning.
symbolic logic         
Symbolic Logic; Symbolic logic; Mathematical Logic; Logic (mathematics); Logic (math); Logic (maths); Logic (symbolic); Mathematical logician; Logic modeling; Logic modelling; Formal Logic; History of mathematical logic; Subfields of mathematical logic; Formal logical systems; History of symbolic logic; Applications of mathematical logic; 20th century in mathematical logic
<logic> The discipline that treats formal logic by means of a formalised artificial language or symbolic calculus, whose purpose is to avoid the ambiguities and logical inadequacies of natural language. (1995-12-24)
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor mathematical logic
1. about mathematical logic.
LOVE_HATE Relationship with LIFE _ John Horton Conway _ Talks at Google
2. of mathematical logic.
Bitwise - A Life in Code _ David Auerbach _ Talks at Google
3. into believing that mathematical logic
Bitwise - A Life in Code _ David Auerbach _ Talks at Google
4. whether it's abstract mathematical logic
The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge _ Robbert Dijkgraaf _ Talks at Google
5. of mathematical logic has misled philosophers
Bitwise - A Life in Code _ David Auerbach _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor mathematical logic
1. He acquired a reputation for relying on pure mathematical logic, calculating as many positions as humanly possible, rather than on intuition.